When was KLS established?
NINGBO KLS ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD has been in operation for many years. It has rich production experience in the field of spade terminal connectors . When the business started, we were in trouble and have experienced a lot of setbacks. After years of hard work and development, we have accumulated rich experience in production and professional customer service. With the rapid development of the company, we sell our products to overseas markets and have won recognition from domestic and foreign customers.

With the development of the economy, KLS has introduced higher technology to produce Future bus connectors*Hard metric connectors. KLS provides a wide range of CATV Splitter*CATV Amplifier*Satellite Splitter for customers. Strict examining system of KLS led connectors will be carried out throughout the production process. The final piece of the product has to go through a complete set of inspection in terms of stamping, cutting, and polishing quality. connectors has lots of advantages, and thus will have more and more applications in DC power connectors field.

We are committed to creating friendly and pollution-free surroundings. From the raw materials, we use, the production process, to the products’ life cycles, we are doing best to reduce the impact of our activities.
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