NINGBO KLS ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD has a complete product supply chain. So far, we have achieved the goal of supplying high-quality raw materials offered by our trustworthy partners to ensure the bulk production as well as finest quality of battery connectors . During the process, we supply the superior customer service by our professional team to improve customer satisfaction.
KLS ELECTRONIC is now an 'expert' in SMT modular jacks industry. KLS's Micro USB connectors series include multiple types. The raw materials of KLS connectors are processed through ball-milling, sieving, deironization, filter pressing, and vacuum pugging treatment to ensure the fineness and purity. Compared with the traditional CATV Splitter*CATV Amplifier*Satellite Splitter, connectors has a series of advantages.
We are always seeking ways to reduce waste and improve manufacturing efficiency. For example, we introduce cutting-edge waste treatment machines to further process the wastes until they meet the discharge standards.
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